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Awesome Aubin Billabong Heeler


Pes, nar: 21.11.2022
Barva: modrý
Zdraví: BAER OK
Bonitační kód: 
IC:  0.00 %

Bradley Simpatija

Professional Choice Alfa  Goran Kazari Toyo-Ken Heelersridge Emublu King
Cara Mia Kazari Toyo-Ken
Adina Between the Rivers Aboriginal Cinderella's Ranch
Abigail Moravia Valley
Katawatha Coconut Tequila Kurpas' Bodacious Kurpas' Born Again
Kurpas' It's All About Me
Mc Coy's Endles Sky of Blossom Va Bene the Eagle Eye
Mc Coy's Blossom of Blue Spirit
Clever's Keep Most Wanted Timber Twin Turbo Hiredhand The Man In Blue Hiredhand Soul Man
Hiredhand Alli Gator
Timber Jet Settn Timber Blue Deuce
Buzzard's I'm Better Than You Think
Sweet Blue Dingo Tenaciu Nodo
Koori Landmaster Promised Land
Revemup's Petit Crayon Noir